The Kiwi Parent Guide to Early Childhood Education
The Kiwi Parent Guide to Early Childhood Education is for anyone considering using an early childhood service for the first time or changing their current
What is the definition of quality early childhood education?
Early childhood education requires effective teaching and a high standard of care of children. In early childhood education children are viewed as competent learners. So, how can you tell if what you see and what is being provided, is high quality for children?
Get answers to these questions from the articles in this section.
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The Kiwi Parent Guide to Early Childhood Education is for anyone considering using an early childhood service for the first time or changing their current
We advise parents to check on staff qualifications to make sure those responsible for their child are appropriately qualified to do so. Should you be
It is a good sign if an ECE service is practising a primary caregiving system as it shows concern for the emotional well-being and learning
Te Whāriki is for young children and is not like a school curriculum. It does not prescribe formal subject teaching. It is a curriculum guideline
Dear My ECE, I have read lots of advice on choosing daycare that mentions ratios. The advice includes asking what the adult:child ratio is. Please
Learning Stories are records of what a teacher or educator has seen a child (or group of children) doing in an early childhood programme.
A limit on group size and the total number of children placed together during the day in an early childhood programme is important. Much
Here is the not-so-secret formula for quality early childhood education and childcare. The formula is evidence-based and developed from decades of research by Dr Sarah
The Parents Council represents parents in early childhood education. We are a voice for parents and their children on childcare and education provision, safety, and cost.
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Licensed early childhood education and care services in Aotearoa/NZ compared, reviewed, and rated.
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