Terms and Conditions

Below are the Terms and Conditions.  The Terms and Conditions, include our Privacy Policy.

All content on this site, newsletters, and any correspondence you may receive from My ECE is provided ‘as is’.  Any person or organisation relying on any information and published materials obtained in or accessed through My ECE does so at their own risk.

While every effort is made to ensure information provided is correct, errors can be made, and information can change very quickly or become outdated before we learn of changes.  We accept no liability for the accuracy of material, information, and advice. We strongly advise you to do your own research and seek independent personal/financial/legal advice specific to your situation.

By coming to this site, using the site, and/or signing up to receive newsletters you agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions – please continue reading these below.

1. Copyright and Intellectual Property 

This site and all articles and material are protected under NZ and international copyright law. All rights reserved.

The National Register and articles are the intellectual property of My ECE. Permission is granted to view the National Register and all content on this site for personal use only that is non-commercial.  Any other use, copying, distribution or modification of information or materials on this site, whether in electronic or hard copy form, without the express prior written permission of My ECE is strictly prohibited.

Any direct quotes taken from any material (written or video) must give full acknowledgement to My ECE and include the url and date the quote or material was retrieved.  Plagiarism will not be tolerated and may lead to legal action. To ask further about what permitted and not-permitted Contact Us

2. Links and Associations

You are welcome to refer parents to the My ECE website, to ask them to post reviews to your service’s listing in the National Register and share links to articles and pages from the My ECE site.  But the link must not be presented in any context which implies you are either part of My ECE, or that My ECE endorses your site or your products or services.

No ECE service, organisation, or individual is permitted to replicate or use our logo, or claim an association with us, without our written agreement.

Services that win a Parents’ Choice Award will be provided with an Award badge, which the service may display and use (e.g. on its website, in its newsletters, at its gate or front door).  Note that should your service win an Award, there are some conditions specific to receiving and holding on to it (read more)

My ECE has an agreement with the OECE (The Office of Early Childhood Education) that allows its service provider members to provide parents with more details about what their service provides for promotional purposes (at no cost to the service member).

Agreements with further organisations may be formed and these will be noted here in due course, for your information.

3.  ECE Service National Register Listings, Reviews, Ratings, Right of Reply, Article Posts and Comments

The National Register contains the names and details for licensed early childhood education and care services.  It does not include playgroups or early education services provided by Te Kura (the Correspondence School).  My ECE will not meet any request or demand to remove a service from the National Register while the service remains licensed and funded. 

Should any details change – such as the service brand name or phone number – these can be updated.  Please contact us with the Name and Licence ID Number of your service and state the details needing to be updated.  Note that some information in the register is updated on an annual basis only and will not be updated on request (this includes if a service has male teachers, is funded for 100% qualified teachers, and has had licensing action taken against it by the MoE).

Any organisation, group, or individual that disagrees with what is said in a published comment(s) or review or feels it to be wrong or malicious is welcome to direct reply online to the comment or review and provide their counterview/facts/corrections. My ECE will not remove a negative review because the service provider or a person connected with a service does not like it –  because parents and the public have the right to have space to express their views and My ECE cannot be expected to make a judgement on whose view is correct.

The views expressed in third party materials, articles and comments published on this site are not necessarily those of My ECE.

My ECE will not be held liable for any comments, and any reviews and ratings for any ECE service submitted by any person or organisation and published on this website.

My ECE reserves the right to moderate, edit, or not publish any review or comment submitted without explanation or apology.  Key rules are:

  • don’t engage in self-promotion or promotion of your business, service, or organisation,
  • don’t bully or harass other users, and,
  • don’t use abusive or foul language.

4. Advertiser and non-My ECE products and services

Information on third party products and services mentioned and/or advertised by My ECE does not constitute an endorsement. You are advised to seek legal advice and undertake checks on any third-party products and services advertised or shown on this site before you enter into any relationship or agreement for use or purchase. If you have a bad experience with any third-party product or service, My ECE would appreciate hearing from you about this.

5. Amendments to the T&Cs

My ECE can make changes at any time, for legal or administrative reasons, to the Terms and Conditions Statement.  Please make sure you refer to the latest copy.

Last updated January 2022

Early Childhood Education and Daycare - Reviews, Rating, and a description of the service's standards

Join the Parents Council

Are you are parent, grandparent, or caregiver of a child under 6 years?    

Join the ECE Parents Council.   You will receive:

  • A monthly newsletter (free)
  • Survey invitations and notifications of important changes in ECE

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